we don’t tick boxes we inspire belief



The Core of Future Organisational Strategy, Planning & Behaviour

“We know from previous research that strong performance on ESG issues can improve top-line growth, reduce costs, minimize regulatory and legal interventions, improve employee productivity, and focus investment and capital expenditures. 

If the shifts that have taken place over the past decade are a preview of the decade ahead, the value of ESG will continue to grow. Companies that have not fully committed to ESG may leave its value on the table.”

— McKinsey Global Study 2020

“Millions of millennials are poised to receive more than $30tn of inheritable wealth by 2025, data from JPMorgan Private Bank indicates. And according to a recent Morgan Stanley survey, 90 per cent of millennial investors cite generating an ESG impact as a central goal of their portfolios.”

— Kiran Aziz FT October 5th 2020




Two perspectives. One empirical. One personal. Both irrefutable & compelling. In tcp’s view Kiran’s voice is the most compelling. Because she & her peers are not simply going to make investment decisions, they are going to make – and are making – life decisions based upon these criteria.

And those decisions will include who they work for & how they work. Accelerated by the pandemic there is a fundamental transformation taking place in the relationship between the employer & the employee.




The McKinsey Study indicates that the majority of global management now see ESG impacting both short & long term performance.

But it is the integrity of corporate management’s commitment to ESG that will persuade Kiran at one end & investment managers at the other, whether or not to commit.

So, the question leaders must ask themselves is this,

“Will people believe me when I say that ESG shapes – and is shaped by – the behaviour of my organisation and everyone in it & associated with it?”

 “Cracking ESG isn’t about data or compliance. It’s about the heart of a business. It’s about building a strategy with responsibility at its core – culture, behaviour, respect. The Cassie Partnership puts this front & centre & is right on point”

Sue Bonney, NED & ex Head of ESG KPMG